Important for Estate Lawyers & Financial Professionals:
Chabad is blessed to have many centers operating throughout the world. Each center is financially independent, and we receive absolutely no funding from Chabad headquarters.

Please make sure that your clients Legacy Gift are properly worded to benefit Chabad of SW Coral Springs, Inc. with tax ID number is 27-0890485.

We are always happy to provide detailed information, including any bequest language, for attorneys or other advisors regarding Legacy gifts to Chabad of SW Coral Springs.

Suggested Attorneys:
We encourage our prospective donors to consult with their advisors and family when they are considering a planned gift to Chabad.

Attorneys suggested are independent of Chabad and are exclusively committed to their clients. Chabad takes no responsibility for any legal advice or work done by any suggested attorneys.

Gary Handin, PA
3111 University Drive, Suite 605 | Coral Springs, FL 33065
[email protected] | (954)796-9600

Larry Rothenberg, PA
1700 N University Dr #302, Coral Springs, FL 33071
[email protected] | (954) 255-3631