
Kiddush Reservations

  • Your Information:

  • Kiddush Details:

  • Pick a Date
  • Kiddush Options: Click Here  to see what is included in each package.

  • Additional Guests:

  • These prices are for the average 'Shul crowd' of 60 people - which includes ten of your guests. 

    For every additional twenty guests in your party there is a surcharge depending on Kiddush level: ​

    Deli Kiddush - $300
    Hot Pastrami Kiddush - $400
    ​Two Course Kiddush - $600​​

    ​To see the available options you can add on to your Kiddush Luncheon click here.

  • $0.00
    Credit Card
    Please make checks payable to
    Chabad Jewish Center
    11325 W. Atlantic Blvd, Coral Springs, FL 33071
    To make a donation by phone call: 954-471-8646
    Billing Address
  • Should be Empty:
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